Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I'm a proud and wonderful mama of a 6 month old baby boy. I decided to start this site to help out first time mothers, and share my knowledge with others who have interest in learning about babies, or just enjoying researching the basics of your baby and what to expect in the upcoming months and years. Feel free to post your opinions and questions I'm very interested in what other mamas have to say about my site and opinions.
I want to inform you that i am not a doctor and that all my posts are based on research and experience that i have learned rasing my child. So please always listen to your baby cues and your instincts. You should always talk to your doctor about questions that you have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just had a baby girl 4 months ago and she is already sleeping through the night i can say it was because i would go in their when she started to cry after 5 minutes and then i would wait 10 minutes the next time she would cry hope i could help and i do want to say to everyone that reads this that the my site that the blog owner has is really great i didnt want to pay five bucks but i did and it downloads right to your computer and you can read it from their it has a lot of cool information that i never heard and i think i might give it a drive i work 50 hours a week and have 2 kids so it is hard for me to hit the gym but hey give it a try its only 5 bucks