Baby 0-3 months


The first weeks of a newborn are very much full of emotions. You will most likely feel happy, full of joy but very tired. Your emotions are going to keep going up and down as if they are on a roller coaster. Thats because your hormones are all over the place, by the time they get back into place you might be sleep deprived. So take care of your body and sleep as much as you can while your baby is sleeping atleast relax. Down below are some basics of your baby's feedings, sleeping routine, and what diapers will be like.

  • 6-12 PER 24 hrs. breast and/or formula feeding
  • 1-2 oz.  every 2-4 hrs. if formula feeding increasing a a feeding 1oz after 2-4 weeks
  • 10-15 mins on each breast every 2-4 hrs.
  • or 2.5 PER lb. of body weight in 24 hrs.(i.e baby weight 7lbs times that by 2.5 which will be 17.5oz) that is how much your baby should eat in 24 hrs. 
  • you should not let your baby go more than 4 hrs. w/o a feeding until 4 weeks old only at night time. during the day continue to wake him/her up every 4hrs. It will help him/her get their days and nights into place.
  • make sure you burp your baby every 1/2-1oz  to help prevent a belly ache. slowly increase the amount in between burps as he gets older.

  • Your baby will sleep alot about 12-20 hours a day.
  • he/she will sleep very often but awake up after a short time to eat.
  • always sleep your baby on his/hers back to prevent SIDS
  • you won't get much sleep because your little one will be up evey 2-4 hrs. to eat.
  • at about 2 weeks start trying to keep your baby up a little bit with lights noises and talk to he/she. at night dont interact much. this will help he/ she get used to day and night.
  • if you want your baby on a routine your should start around 6-8 weeks old.
  • Nap times for this age for a baby are not much predictable because they are just getting used to their days and night around 6-8 weeks your baby will start showing signs of knowing thier days and nights alothogh nap times are scattered out.
  • At Around 2-3 months your baby should be taking a nap every 1-2 hours after being awake.

  • The first bowl movment is pretty much black and tary like. its normal
  • he/she should have 4-8 wet diapers and 2-4 solid diapers a day.
  • bowl movments will change alot from yellow to green to brown its all normal although if you are concerned contact your doctor to make sure.
  • if your baby's stools are hard, runny, or have not had a movment in 2-3 days you should contact or doctor to make sure he/she is ok.
  •  if she has crystals or not atleast 4 wet diapers a day contact your doctor its a sign of dehydration.
  • If he/she starts to get a red irratation start using diaper rash cream untill it has gone away. it will prevent your baby from getting a diaper rash and being in pain.
                feel free to post your opinions, suggestions, questions, comments and sample routines. thanks.



Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this info i tried to look online for this but there are to many to go buy and you put it straight in order for me, but anyways is their anyone having a baby naturally cuz i am do all this research because i am 8 months pregnant and i heard alot of different things about delivery naturally so is it painful

supermommy said...

Well i have a 6 month old baby and when i was pregnant i wanted to try to achive a natrual delievery and it did not go to well. i ended up being induced and that brought on the contractions much faster and harder. i had lot of back labor which was the most painful part for me. i would say get the epidural. unless you got lots of patience while in extreme pain. hope this was helpful good luck. =)