Baby 6-9 months

Your little one, is much bigger and wont be so little for long. time is flying by and before you know it he will be walking and talking. So spend as much time as you can with him/her. You and your baby are learning about eachother each second of the day. You might even see your baby's personality as he/she grows. Educational games are very good at this age they are learning cause and effect. So don't put him/her in front of a tv. put him/her on your lap and talk talk talk. Your baby with enjoy is. make funny noises and facial reactions when the coo at you. They will try to mimic you and understand conversation. Down below are the basic feeding and sleeping routine for a baby.


  • Your baby should be drinking 4-6 bottles a day 4-8oz. totaling 24-32oz a day. unless doctor recomended different.
  • The feedings should be about 3-5 hrs. apart. If they are 2 hrs. apart try getting your baby to eat more at a feeding. or even distract baby untill 2 1/2 hours then untill 3hrs and he/she will most likley eat more.
  • If you dont have a feeding routine yet you should really start getting one together. babies love routine and helps them know whats coming next and secure.
  • Solids Should be fed 2-4times a day. rice should be fed 2 times a day for breakfast and dinner. 
  • The diet plan to aim for a independent sitter is:
24oz formlua/breastmilk-6oz a bottle-4 times a day
1/4 c. fruit aprx. 1 jar 2nd foods.
1/4 c. veggies aprx. 1 jar 2nd foods.
1/2 oz of meats aprox. 1tbs.
1/4 c.-1/2 c. rice/oatmeal/creal-2-4 tbs.- 2 times a day- AM & PM


  • Your baby should be sleeping through the night about 9-12hrs. straight w/o feeding. if her/she is gaining enough weight and eating enough formula and solids. 
  • If he/she is eating enough and gaining enough weight he/she might have a sleep association problem. i.e. seperation anxiety, need binki. Or just needs to learn to put themselves to sleep. 
  • There are many sleep traning or weaning methods out there all babies are different so one might work for your friends baby but not yours. sleep training your baby is a game of trial and error. Its not easy unless your lucky and have a baby that learn to sleep by themselves w/o your help.It gets  hard,emotional, and very stressfull. 
  • he/she should take about 1-3 naps a day  about 1-2 hrs. each. 1-4 hrs. a day total for naps. So your baby should not take 3 naps that last for 2 hrs. each.
  •  Good nap times for your baby are: 
1-2 hrs.- between 9am-11am.
1-2hrs.- between 2pm-4pm
1/2hr-1hr- around 5pm-6pm( this nap should disapper around 6 months but it is still needed for some babies. so if your baby still needs a 3rd nap keep it no longer than 1hr.)


  • 4-8 wet diapers a day. is good. if baby is not having enough wet diapers that is a serious sign of dehydration so contact your doctor asap if he/she is have less than 4 wet diapers.
  • Should be regular by 1-3 stools a day is good.
  • A baby can go 3 days with out a stool and not be constipated. if any longer try some remidies to relive the constipation or call your doctor.
  • You should always keep on top of changing you babies diaper to prevent diaper rashes.
  •  If a red irratation occurs but not yet a rash put some rash cream on untill better so a rash does not come along and baby is in pain.
                     feel free to post your opinions,suggestions,questions, comments and sample routines thanks.